Entries Application
Our 2002 entry deadline is fast approaching: June 1st. Entries must
be postmarked by this date. We will be accepting late entries until
June 15th which is the final date for submissions (again postmarked
on this date). A late fee will apply.
to application

The Rhode Island International Film Festival's Call for Entries
has gone paperless! To simplify the entry process, we ask that you use
the online technology provided by Withoutabox, the international film
festival submission service. Withoutabox provides you access to film
festivals throughout the U.S. and in Europe with one master entry form,
allowing you and us to enter your film instantly and with greater accuracy.
By applying to RIIFF 2002 through Withoutabox,
you save $5 off your entry fee and get the advantage
of an extended deadline. Entering the 2002 is
an easy process. Just click on the Withoutabox link above and follow
instructions to register and apply.
If for some reason you cannot apply through Withoutabox, you may download
the Call for Entries Application in PDF format by clicking on the following
RIIFF 2002 Call for Entries Form
you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the PDF file, you may download
it free from Adobe at