Bequests & Wills

One of the most popular and easiest planned gifts is the bequest. Many donors choose to make their ultimate gift through their will. If you already have a will, it is not necessary to rewrite your entire will to make a bequest to the Rhode Island International Film Festival. You can simply instruct your attorney to prepare a codicil - an amendment - to your current will. A bequest can specify how the gift is to be used, such as for general purposes, for the film collections, for filmmaker scholarships, or for a specific program. Below are several examples of bequests and their appropriate language.
For a specific amount of your estate: "I give ___________dollars to the Rhode Island International Film Festival, a charitable corporation established by law in Newport, Rhode Island."
For a percentage of your estate: "I give ____________% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate to the Rhode Island International Film Festival, a charitable corporation established by law in Newport, Rhode Island."
For a contingent bequest: "If (Name) is not living on the ninetieth day after the day of my death, I give all the rest of the property I own at my death to the Rhode Island International Film Festival, a charitable corporation established by law in Rhode Island."
To make an unrestricted bequest: "I give _________dollars to be used at the discretion of the President and the Board of Trustees."
To designate a specific use: "(Describe purpose). Should it not be possible to use these funds as devised, they may be expended at the discretion of the President and the Board of Trustees."
For questions about planned giving, please contact:
George T. Marshall Executive Director
83 Park Street, Suite 1
Providence, RI 02903
Tel: 401/861-4445; Fax: 401/490-6735