Make a Donation to Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival
Help Support & Nurture the Future of Independent Film Arts

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• To print out a hard-copy
donation form, click
• To learn about and become a Member, click here
Join a Dedicated Group of Supporters
Who Help Transform the Way People See the World.
Make a gift to Flickers' Rhode
Island International Film Festival through
an Online Donation (below) or our Printable Donation form. Gifts
to FLICKERS gives
adults and children from all walks of life access to
exceptional cinema, learning programs, and inspiring
We are continuing to write the story of 2020's impact on the Festival given the impact of the global pandemic. This was the year of a hybrid event, online programming and Facebook Live!
Jump back one year: 2019 was quite a year for
all of us here at the Flickers' Rhode Island International
Film Festival. In addition to the record-breaking
38th Anniversary edition of RIIFF, we presented Francophone Programming in locations across the state of Rhode Island and New England; launched our second season for our popular weekly series "doubleFEATURE" on RI PBS, spoke to various groups,
clubs and classes; tripled our Youth Film Jury Program; expanded our Roving Eye International Film Festival; continued our 7 Day PSA Competition; threw various special benefits including a amazing Red Carpet Experience: Providence; continued
our Best of Fest series of RIIFF-exclusive at the Rooftop at the Providence G, launched programming at the new Acoustic Java Café & Microcinema,
presented an unprecedented number of free preview screenings
throughout the year— many featuring filmmakers
in attendance; solidified our "RIIFF in the Schools"
outreach program; and held our Opening Night Gala at the beautifully restored VETS.
Flickers' Sidebar Festivals & Screenings of Note:
• Rhode Island International Film Festival - August 9-15, 2021 (25th Year)
• Children's Hospitals International Film Festival - April 2021 (5th Year)
• Ciné Québec - March and November yearly (24th Year)
• New England University French Discovery Program (6th Year)
• Francophonie Film Festival - March yearly (8th Year)
• Roving Eye International Film Festival - April 2020 and November-December 2020 (15th Year)
• Providence LGBTQ Film Festival - June 2021 and August 9-15, 2021 (22nd Year)
• KidsEye International Film Festival - August 9-15, 2021 and October 16-24, 2021 (23rd Year)
• Jewish Experience Film Series - Spring and Fall yearly (9th Year)
• Islamic Experience Film Series - Spring and Fall yearly (4th Year)
• RIIFF Encore Film Series - Monthly (21st Year)
• Vortex Sci-Fi, Fantasy & Horror Film Festival - October 16-24, 2021 (22nd Year)
• Flickers Irish Film Feis - November yearly (4th Year)
• Le jour le plus court: The Shortest Day of the Year - December yearly (7th Year)
• doubleFEATURE - weekly on Thursday nights at 8:00 p.m., RI PBS (5th Year)
Despite FLICKERS international
reputation as a first-class festival, behind the scenes
we annually hold everything together with a very small staff of dedicated individuals. Ticket sales and memberships
cover less than a third of the cost of running our organization.
An inordinate amount of our annual budget is in the
form of in-kind or trade donations from our sponsors.
These are such things as hotel rooms and airline tickets
for visiting filmmakers, media promotions, filmmaker hosting, our major task for 2020-2021, rebuilding the
comprehensive website (or what we call our "retro website"), supplying paper
and office supplies, tech support, etc., etc. These
are all wonderful, but landlords don't accept free t-shirts
to cover the rent, and you can't pay your staff with free DVD's, posters, beer glasses and the wonderful swag we receive as donations.
And in 2020, we faced adapting to the new reality of COVID-19...
The Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival
(RIIFF) is committed to the continued expansion of its
role in the community. The year-round programming produced
by FLICKERS has had a significant impact for artists and
filmgoers alike in Rhode Island and indeed, southern
New England.We are taking a more visible approach in
the community with many events that promote the world
of cinema: from expanded educational programs like doubleFEATURE, KidsEye™, ScriptBiz™ and the KidsEye Discovery Portal Media Lab that opened in 2016 and continues into 2021. Look for our Screenwriter's Retreat taking flight tentatively in 2022.

• Photos Courtesy of Mike Braca
Support FLICKERS Today!
Flickers has been bringing great film experiences to the Northeast for more than 39 years! Your support enables Flickers to undertake -
Educational Programming
• Expand cinema through education with "RIIFF In the Schools," now serving serving students at Roger Williams University, University of Rhode Island and Bryant University, Providence College, and the Beacon School in Woonsocket. Plans call for an expansion to more regional colleges and universities along with regional high schools and middle schools.
Filmmaker Initiatives
• Help underwrite Rhode Island and student filmmaker submission fees to the Festival
• Host filmmakers from around the globe at Flickers in the summer
Intellectual enrichment
• Provide great intellectual enrichment for the Northeast and beyond with access to both up-and-coming and established filmmakers
Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival
• Produce the largest audience-driven film festival in New England with more than 47,000 attendees throughout the year. Programming features more than 300 feature films and shorts from 68 countries, with over 95 World,/North American/U.S. Premieres
Support our Mission
• Flickers creates experiences that bring people together to discover extraordinary films from around the world. It is through the art of cinema that we foster a community that is more informed, aware, alive and energized.
Benefits of Giving Include
• Flickers "RIIFF Cinema" members receive ongoing special promotions
• Complimentary screenings at CinemaRI and "You be the Judge Night" Events
• Free admission to our annual meeting
• Special sneak peeks at major films before they open
• Early bird sales with deep discounts on Festival passes and ticket packages
• Discounts on regularly-priced single tickets
• Acknowledgment in the Festival catalog, and much more!
Help Us Fulfill Our Mission
The cost of running an international Festival on the scale and level of quality as Flickers is staggering. We have a small, but dedicated staff whose work is offset by an army of interns and countless, loyal volunteers. While we have run the Festival from a perspective of cost efficiency and Yankee frugality, there are still expenses that must be met.
Coming to our events and main Festival only provides only about one quarter of our annual operating budget. That’s why we need your help. There are many ways to support our work.
• Become a Member
• Make a Contribution
• Planned Giving
• Corporate Sponsorships
We Cannot Fulfill Our Mission
Without You!
The power of film to inform,
enlighten and educate, as well as entertain, is inestimable.
We believe — and trust that you'll agree —
that what we do is worth supporting with a
Please consider a contribution to assist FLICKERS in continuing
this ever-important effort.
Your contribution of $35,
$50, $100, $500 or more will go a long way in supporting our efforts
to educate, entertain, enrich and provoke thought .
How To Give to FLICKERS
Your donation of any size will be greatly appreciated.
You can donate any one of three ways:
You can make a tax deductible contribution online by clicking here
or the link below:
Other Ways to Donate:
• Print out our donation
form that is located here
• or Call us at 401-861-4445.
Thank you, thank you, thank you very much for your support!
George T. Marshall
Executive Director,
FLICKERS: Rhode Island International Film Festival
401.861.4445 • 401.490-6537 f
About FLICKERS Contributions
& Scholarships
Some of the organizations
supported financially by Flickers:
The Rhode Island
Food Bank (we held a 25-Film Marathon)
Jamestown Community Piano Fund
• East Greenwich Odeum Theatre
• The Vets - grant-writing for 4K projector; screen install
• Jamestown Arts Center - grant-writing for tech equipment; loan of projection tech
• Roger Williams University School of Law
• WSBE Channel 36, RI Public Broadcasting
• Christmas in Newport
• The Courthouse
Center for the Arts (Kingston, RI)
• Four Corners Arts
Center (Tiverton, RI)
• International Institute Rhode Island
• RI Heart Fund
• Bristol Rotary
• Second Stage Studio
• Bell Street Chapel
• Marriage Equality, RI
• RI Festival of
• Newport County Chamber of Commerce
URI Visualizations Film Festival
• Harrington School of Communication & Media
• URI College
of Arts & Sciences
• RI Pride
RI Women's Coalition Against Domestic Violence
(we held a Fashion Show)
AIDS Care Ocean State (we sponsored the Sing
Along Sound of Music)
Friends of the Columbus Theatre Arts Center
(we sponsored/hosted the 75th Anniversary kick-off
for this classic theatre and are spurring a restoration
Miracle on Broadway (we sponsored free kids
films during the holidays)
RI Human Rights Watch Film Festival (we sponsored
the screenings)
Plus we have donated passes and scholarships to the following Rhode Island non-profits in 1981-2020:
2nd Story Theatre
Alliance Francais Rhode Island
Academy Players
American Cancer Society
Amos House
Arts and Business Council of RI
Barrington Public Library
Beacon School
Big Nazo Puppets
Black Air Foundation
Bright Night
Bristol Rotary
Christmas in Newport
Clean Water Fund
Colonial Theatre
Direct Action for Rights and Equality
EPOCH Center
Everett Dance Theatre
Family Services Center
Festival Ballet Providence
GAIA Vaccine Foundation
Gamm Theatre
Genesis Institute
Groundwerx Dance Theatre
Harken Film Institute
Island Moving Company
Kaleidoscope Theatre
Leadership Rhode Island
Living History
Looking Glass Theatre
Modern Populous
NewGate Theatre
Newport Film Collaborative
Off the Curb
Perishable Theatre
Project Goal
Providence Arts Club
Providence Ballet Inc.
Providence Black Repertory Company
Providence College
Providence Public Library
Rhode Island College
Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (RICH)
Rhode Island Film Collaborative
RI Heart Association
RI Historical Society
RI Holocaust Education and Resource
RI State Council on the Arts (RISCA)
Studio 34 Dance Company
The Artists’ Exchange
The Dance Theatre (Roger Williams University)
Trinity Repertory Company
University of Rhode Island
West Broadway Neighborhood Assoc.
Wheaton College
If you would like help from Flickers via tickets, access to programming or promotional support, please
tell us about your program and needs: e-mail
For more information on Employer
Matching Gift Programs, Planned Giving, the RIIFF Friends
Campaign, or in-kind donations of office/computer equipment
Please contact: George T. Marshall, Executive Director, email
or Shawn Quirk, Program Director, email
83 Park Street, Suite 5
Providence, RI 02903
Tel: 401/861-4445; Fax: 401/490-6735
