Email from Texas, November 3, 2005:
you so much for your generosity and
hospitality. We had a blast. Providence was much fun,
the people were all great, and the entire
experience left us feeling both lucky and honored. We
had a great time watching, talking, and basically breathing
movies for the entire fest, and had an equally great
time meeting Ric, Josh, Marc, Adam, and the rest of
the crew. The Best Director award was icing on the cake,
and has been pivotal in convincing my Mom that all those
years of couch-surfing and unemployment may have been
worth it. Sincerely, thank you for the honor. We've
been gushing about both the festival and Providence
since we returned, and hope to see you all again as
soon as possible. We've just started conceptualizing
our next projects, including a very bloody and carnal
retelling of a famous fairy tale, and we'll show you
what we've done just as soon as there's something to
show. We'll also stay in touch to inform you of new
"Day X" developments, including the website
launch and when we'll have copies of the finished dvd
for you. Once again, thanks for everything, and feel
free to contact me with any questions, follow-up's,
hello's, you name it."
Jason Bounds,
Julie Bounds,
Robert Lambert
Email November
4, 2005:
I just read the list of Horror Fest winners on the FANGORIA
site - and HELLBENT was among them! You can bet "Winner
of the RIIHFF Vanguard Award" will be emblazoned
across the HELLBENT DVD box! Thanks so much, guys! Now
I'm doubly disappointed I couldn't get to the
Festival. Maybe another year.... Hope the Festival was
a great success for you. Again - I really appreciate
the recognition.
Best - Paul Etherege-Ouzts
like to thank all of our film makers this year we had
over 120 films to judge of those 28 were official selections.
These films and film makers were honored on October
30th at our 6th annual awards breakfast at the Providence
Chamber Cinema.
Best Picture - Dark Remains - Brian Avenet- Bradley
Best Short - Means to an End - Paul Solet , Jake Hamilton
Best Animated - Tell Tale Heart
Best Director - Jason Hack - Day X
Best Effects - We all Fall Down
Horror Excellance Award - Cruel World
Vanguard Award - Fred Vogel - August Underground
Vanguard Award - Paul Etheredge-Outzts - Hellbent
We once again thank the film makers and look forward
to 2006 we hope to show even more films during another
fabulous week end.
~ Ric Rebelo, Festival Director
Now heading into its tenth year, the Rhode Island
International Film Festival showcases the artistic
efforts of filmmakers and encourages new talent while
providing the visibility necessary to launch careers
in the industry.
For more information, write RIIFF, P.O. Box 162, Newport,
RI 02840. Telephone: 401-861-4445. E-mail: info@film-festival.org
