Curated by the National Center for Jewish Film
at Brandeis University
The Rhode Island International Film Festival (August
9-14, 2005) will mount the Fourth Annual Providence
Jewish Film Festival as a sidebar highlighting the diversity
of the Jewish experience. The films include two USA
Premieres, one East Coast premiere and five Rhode Island
premieres and will be screened at the Columbus Theatre
and the Providence Chamber of Commerce Theatre.
In announcing the programming, George T. Marshall,
RIIFF Executive Director, stated, "Providing a
focus on world cultures has long been a hallmark of
the Rhode Island International Film Festival. This year
we are delighted to bring this sidebar of new films
about Jewish communities around the world to our Festival.
Thanks to our partnership with the National Center for
Jewish Film at Brandeis University we have been able
to find a wonderful array of new films which touch the
core of the Jewish Experience.
We hope these films will help challenge stereotypes
and bring a better understanding of the human dimensions
behind the headlines.”
Working with RIIFF, Sharon Pucker Rivo, Executive Director
of the National Center for Jewish Films at Brandeis
University, is curating the program. The six film programs
being presented include the deeply emotional documentaries
No. 17 and Widowed Once, Bereaved Twice, the whimsical
musical American Matchmaker, the fascinating south-of-the-border
portrait Tijuana Jews and the compelling archival story
of Jewish American soldiers in From Philadelphia to
the Front.
screenings are $10 and can be purchased on line at www.RIFILMFEST.org
401-861-4445 or
at the door of the theatre.
10:30 AM Wednesday August 10
Columbus Theatre
American Matchmaker
(Amerikaner Shadkhn) - Rhode Island Premiere
USA, 1940, 87 minutes, B&W, Yiddish with English
subtitles, restored, digitally re-mastered
Produced & Directed by: Edgar G. Ulmer
Screenplay by: S. Castle
Music and Lyrics by: Sam Morgenstern, William Mercur
Starring: Leo Fuchs, Judith Abarbanel, Judel Dubinksy,
Anna Guskin,
Celia Bodkin, Abraham Lax
Great film-noir director Edgar G. Ulmer’s last
Yiddish movie was also his most modern, an art-deco
romantic comedy about male ambivalence and Jewish assimilation.
Starring Leo Fuchs, known on Second Avenue as “the
Yiddish Fred Astaire,” an elegant and eligible
bachelor who appears to never be able to close the marriage
deal. With its urbane, neurotic hero, American Matchmaker
looks ahead to the films of Woody Allen. "As in
the best Yiddish theater traditions, there is a successful
combination of humor and schmaltz with the sentimentality
at the end well-earned by the comic insights along the
way... The title says it all – a clash between
the urbane, slick manners of the new country and the
old, busybody communal ways of the shtetl.” –
Films, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1983
Also included, the hilarious short I Want to Be
a Boarder, a small classic of Yiddish absurdism that
showcases Fuch’s comic virtuosity.
6:30 PM Wednesday August 10
Providence Chamber of Commerce Theatre
Presented in association with The Consulate General
of Israel New England
17 - Rhode Island Premiere
Israel, 2003, 75 minutes, Hebrew with English subtitles,
A Film by David Ofek, Ron Rotem, Elinor Kowarsky [produced
and directed by?]
Best Documentary, Israeli Academy Awards, 2003
Best Feature Documentary, DocAviv 2003
Special Jury Award, Hot Docs, 2004
In June, 2002 a bus on its way from Tel Aviv to Tiberius,
was bombed. Seventeen people were killed; all but one
were identified. No. 17 wasn’t. A few weeks later
he was buried anonymously. The police soon stopped searching,
believing that he must have been a foreign worker. This
is where the filmmakers stepped in, documenting over
a period of six months the search for the identity of
a man no one had claimed to be missing. In the form
of a detective investigation, the film pursues the stories
of several people who were directly and indirectly affected
by this bombing, creating a tragic-comic portrait of
a society living under the shadow of death.
5:00 PM - Thursday Aug 11
Providence Chamber of Commerce Theatre
Presented in association with The Consulate General of
Israel New England
Widowed Once, Twice Bereaved - Rhode Island
Israel, 2004, 60 min,
Hebrew with English subtitles
Director: Orna Ben Dor
Filmmaker Orna Ben Dor’s new documentary focuses
on five women whose husbands and/or children were among
the fifteen Israeli civilians killed in the suicide
bombing of the Matza Restaurant in Haifa, Israel, on
March 31, 2002. Ben Dor’s is a sensitive tribute
to the strength and beauty of these Israeli women, including
Carmit Ron whose husband, Aviel, seventeen-year-old
son Ofer, and her twenty-one-year-old daughter Anat
were killed while eating lunch together at the sidewalk
Second Watch
Israel 1995 14 minutes Color 16mm/ Beta Sp
Hebrew with English subtitles
Director: Udi Ben-Arie
Best Short Film, 1996 Dresden International Filmfest;
Nominee for
Best Foreign Film, 1996 Student Academy Awards Berkowitz,
An Israeli Reserve soldier on watch at a remote post
along the Israeli-Jordanian border finds, just a few
yards across the border, a Jordanian soldier as bored
to death as he. Together they help each other pass the
time and create some trouble that they manage to get
away with!
8:30 PM - Saturday Aug 13
Providence Chamber of Commerce Theatre
Philadelphia To The Front - USA Premiere
2005 USA 36 minutes Video
Directed by Judy Gelles and Marianne Bernstein
Many documentaries have been devoted to the topic of
the destruction of European Jewry in Nazi-occupied Europe,
but relatively little attention has been focused on
Jewish Americans who participated in the Allied victory
in WWII. For Jews, the war to defeat Hitler had deeply
personal significance. The memories of six Jewish men
in their 80's who remember grew up in Philadelphia and
served their country in World War II provide a fascinating
perspective. Combined with photographs from the men’s
personal collections, the film includes rare archival
footage, stills, and newsreels including Jewish soldiers
celebrating Shabbat and Passover during wartime and
the first Jewish service at Dachau after it was liberated.
Milton Dank, a noted physicist and historian who flew
glider planes in WWII, contributed hundreds of photographs
he took on the front lines.
Table USA Premiere
Israel, 2004, 47 minutes, beta
Hebrew with English subtitles
Director: Adi Japhet Fuchs
Producer: Catherine the Great Productions
Mayor's Prize for Best Jewish Documentary: Jerusalem
Film Festival, 2004
Presented in association with The Consulate General
of Israel New England
Imagination, memories and fiction are mixed together
to portray the world and life of the Israeli writer
Aharon Appelfeld. The film revolves around the acclaimed
author's daily pilgrimages to the Anna Ticho House in
Jerusalem, where he uses the cafe as a study and meeting
place for friends and colleagues. This dramatic personal
story is enriched by excerpts from Appelfeld's writings
as he attempts to understand the creative process. "Appelfeld's
Table beautifully transmits the humanity, optimism and
joy of living with which Applefeld, both the writer
and the ordinary person, managed to emerge from the
horrors he endured as a youngster. At the same time,
it is a film about the making of the Israeli collective
and of the creative struggle that awaits those who refuse
to automatically assimilate."--Jerusalem Post
12:30 pm Sunday August 14th
Columbus Cinematheque
Jews East Coast Premiere
2005 USA 52 min
Directed by Isaac Artenstein
Produced by Jude Artenstein
Throughout the early twentieth century, thousands of
European Jews sailed to Mexico escaping increasing persecution
at home and searching for opportunity. A small group
made its way north to the border town of Tijuana. Tijuana
Jews is a documentary and personal exploration of a
community that blended Jewish and Mexican cultures and
customs in an unlikely place and time. Having grown
up Jewish in Mexico, director Isaac Artenstein encountered
reactions of surprise, even disbelief, from many people
north of the border who had no idea there were Jews
in Mexico, especially in Tijuana, a city with dark legends
of free-flowing liquor, cheap narcotics, beautiful senoritas
and black- velvet paintings. Tijuana Jews is an authentic
and living testimony set against the conceptions and
misconceptions of this mythic border city.
Jews of the Spanish Homeland (Los Judios
de Patria Espana)
Spain 1929 13 minutes B&W Silent
Produced by Ernesto GimÈnez Caballero
This newly restored documentary visits Sephardic communities
in Salonika, Constantinople, Yugoslavia, and Romania
as well as former centers of Jewish life in Spain. Filmmaker
Caballero addresses the expulsion of Jews from Spain
in 1492, with the deft use drawings to depict Jewish
dispersion to Europe, North Africa, and the Americas.
7:00 pm Sunday August 14th
Columbus Cinematheque
Seeds Rhode Island Premiere
USA, Israel, Pakistan, 92 minutes, video
Directed by Marjan Safinia

Presented in association with The Consulate General
of Israel to New England
Imagine spending three weeks living with
someone you consider to be your enemy. In Seeds, ten
extraordinary teenagers undertake that challenge. Every
summer, kids from Israel, Palestine, India, Pakistan,
Afghanistan and America meet at the Seeds of Peace International
Camp in Maine. For three life-changing weeks, they learn
to share their dreams and fears, listen to opposing
views, see beyond prejudices, and eventually respect
each other as individuals as they attempt to build the
one thing they all strive for: a future. This is no
“kumbaya” camp experience. Struggling through
extreme highs and lows, these kids face one another
with inspiring honesty and courage. In the end, among
the things they learnis that “in order to make
peace with your enemy, you have to go to war with yourself.”

The National Center for Jewish Film (NCJF) is a
unique nonprofit motion picture archive, distributor
and resource center housing the largest, most comprehensive
collection of Jewish-theme films and vide in the world.
The ongoing mission of NCJF is to gather, preserve,
catalogue and exhibit films with artistic and educational
value relevant to the Jewish experience, disseminating
these materials to the widest possible audience. NCJF's
first priority continues to be the preservation and
restoration of rare and endangered nitrate and acetate
films. The Center has long been recognized as a leader
in the revival of Yiddish cinema, rescuing watershed
films like The Dybbuk (1937) and Tevye (1939) from virtual
oblivion. By producing and distributing pristine film
and videocassette editions of such historic works with
new English subtitles, NCJF effectively reintroduces
modern audiences to a unique cultural and cinematic