RIIFF 2010 Team
Winifred Brownell,
Professor of Communication Studies
& Dean, Arts & Sciences at URI
Winifred Brownell joined the URI faculty
in 1971. She received a Ph.D. in Communication Theory
from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
She was supported in part by a National Science Foundation
Fellowship. Her doctoral studies included a number
of courses in Computer Programming, Statistics, and
Neurophysiology. She has taught a variety of courses
including the following:Aging, Dying and Death, Mortal
Questions, Interpersonal Communication, Public Speaking,
Communication Theory, Women in the Natural Sciences,
and Aging and Communication. In 1988, she received
the URI Teaching Excellence Award, and in 1996 she
received the Association of Academic and Professional
Women "Woman of the Year" award. Her publications
include articles in Communication Monographs, Communication
Quarterly, Personnel Journal, Communication Research
Reports, The Encyclopedia of Aging, and The Gerontologist.
Her most recent research projects include the publications,
"Aging and Infotainment Technologies: Intercultural
Perspectives (1997)," "Films of the Frankenstein
Myth: Children of an Angry God (in press), "Communication
Technologies and Older Adults (1996), " and "Images
of Aging in the Media (1996)." Dr. Brownell has
written grants funding over $900,000 in research projects.
In 1974-75 she coordinated the URI Honors Colloquium
on "Aging, Dying and Death." In 1996, she
coordinated the acclaimed John Hazen White Honors
Colloquium on "Mortal Questions" with Carolyn
Hames and Gene Knott. She created a special unit on
images of scientists in American popular films that
led to a number of presentations on images of scientists
and women scientists in popular culture.