Participate in the Annual
KidsEye™ International
Film Festival
August 9-15, 2021

2021 Rhode Island International Film Festival Call for Entries is Now Open
This year's deadlines
January 15, 2021, early deadline with reduced rates; May 15, 2021, regular deadline; June 1, 2021, late deadline; June 15, 2021, final extended late deadline
Final Deadline for Screenplay Entries: July 15, 2021
The Rhode Island International Film Festival prefers paperless entries. Our 2021 partner entry portal provides cost-saving, online entry to major film festivals
throughout the U.S. and in Europe with one master entry
form, allowing you to enter your film more quickly
and with greater accuracy. Online entry users enjoy the advantages of Extended Deadlines
and Online Press Kit submissions.

The 23rd Annual KidsEye™ International
Film Festival will take place August 9-15, 2021
during the main Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival™ (RIIFF). Whether you're an aspiring feature film director, animator,
skateboarder, blader, hip hop artist, poet - whatever: We want to see your work and hopefully screen it
as part of the KidsEye™ 2021.
We're looking to screen: Documentaries, Features,
Music Videos, Dramas, Animation, Oral Histories, Video
Poetry, Experimental, & PSAs
KidsEye™ is about opening up a dialogue amongst
kids, their media arts mentors and a broader public,
about youth-produced videos and web sites as a powerful
form of self-expression for today's kids and teens.
KidsEye™ will present a collection of exciting
and diverse work being made here and around the country
by youth media makers, age 8-17.
Since it began 23 years ago, KidsEye™, created
by the Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival™
(RIIFF), has celebrated young video makers by showcasing
their projects.
In 2021, this continues with our popular festival-within-a
festival, complete with guest speakers, discussions,
dance parties, concerts, and a "Youth Open Screen." Those
attending KidsEye™ will be able to meet teen video
makers and their mentors; see a diverse collection of
youth-produced media. And in 2021, KidsEye™ screenings will take place at locations throughout the state of Rhode Island to reach the broadest possible audience for our filmmakers.
Every year KidsEye™ is presented in partnership
with several not-for-profit and youth-oriented organizations.
By giving kids access to new technologies they are helping
build kids’ capacities for critical thinking,
creative expression and self empowerment.
Call for Entries FAQs:
When are the Entries Due?
The late deadline is June 15, 2021 (postmark
Who is Eligible?
Youth between 8 and 17 are eligible to enter. Entries
must have been completed before the artist's 18th birthday.
Professionals can also submit films made for kids.
When will I know if my work is selected?
By late June.
When is the Festival?
August 9-15, 2021 (running within the main RIIFF, over 4 mornings)
In what format should I submit?
Digital. H264.
Besides being selected, can I win anything?
Absolutely. We have prizes for best feature, best short
and best animation. Winners receive trophies, passes
and an opportunity to have their work screened during
our best of fest week after the main festival.
Flickers' Rhode Island International
Film Festival™
KidsEye™ International Film Festival
P.O. Box 162
Newport, Rhode Island 02840 (United States)
Office: 83 Park Street, Suite 1, Providence, RI 02903
Tel/Fax: (401) 861-4445 / 490-6735
• Learn about our annual KidsEye™ Summer Filmmaking Camp
