Retro 80s Rollerskating Fundraiser
the Invitation
The Rhode Island International
Film Festival's KidsEye™ Filmmaking Summer
Camp is holding its annual Retro Rollerskating
Fundraiser on April 29th 2006 from 7pm to 10pm. The
event will take place at The Ocean Club (360 Pier Rd,
Narragansett) and the proceeds of the event will be
used to purchase additional equipment for the program.
Admission is $10.
So come experience rollerskating like it was meant to
be experienced - with 80s music. 80s dress is
welcome but not required. There will be a raffle
and a prize for the best 80s outfit. So dig those
Izod shirts and leg-warmers out of the closet - they
go perfect with a pair of skates.
KidsEye™ is a fun yet intensive
five-day filmmaking camp for children ages 10-16 presented
by the Rhode Island International Film Festival™.
Over the course of the last few years, the camp has
expanded, allowing children to learn more about what
it takes to make a movie. We strive to incorporate as
much hands-on learning as possible, therefore placing
our focus primarily on production. KidsEye™
participants step into the roles of screenwriters, actors,
directors and crew, and learn the importance of working
as a team.
The next KidsEye™ will take place
on July 9-13th, 2007 at the University of Rhode Island
in Kingston.
For more information, call (401) 861-4445 or write
KidsEye™ Summer Filmmaking Camp
P.O. Box 162
Newport, RI 02840
We adhere to the Code of Ethics and Exemplary Practices
of the
American Camping Association