18-21, 2007
This event is sponsored by
the Rhode Island International Film Festival, the University
of Rhode Island, The URI College of Arts & Sciences,
The Film Media Program, and the URI Feinstein College
of Continuing Education, WJAR TV 10, Fangoria Magazine, Rue Morgue Magazine; Amtrak; The
City of Providence, Clear Channel Communications, Gorilla Pro Software, Rule Broadcast
Systems & Motif.

Goblins, Zombies, and Ghosts will all make an appearance
on the big screen as the Rhode Island International
Film Festival unwraps its eighth annual Rhode
Island International Horror Film Festival October 18th-21st.
In addition to its traditional spooky fare, this year’s
festival includes a spectre-acular family day where
kids and their parents are invited to join in with family-friendly
The Horror Festival is an eerie-sistable salute to a
genre often overlooked. It will include numerous world
premieres of shorts and features including the best
horror films submitted in competition from across the
globe. In all, over thirty films will be presented during
a four-day period throughout downtown Providence.
To add to the fun, the Festival, much like a witch's
brew, will consist of various ingredients such as giveaways,
celebrity sightings, and awards for Best Feature and
Best Short, plus much more.
Admission is $10.00 per person for all shows.
Tickets for these events, as well as festival six-packs
are available on line. Tickets will also be available
at the door before each screening. For more information,
write RIIFF, P.O. Box 162, Newport, RI 02840. Telephone:
401-861-4445. E-mail: info@film-festival.org.
THEATER/EVENT LOCATIONS (click here for a quick mapping link)
• See full schedule of film screenings; click here...

Providence Public Library
150 Empire Street, Providence,
RI 02903
200 capacity, www.provlib.org
Map It:
See Schedule for this site

Cable Car Cinema
204 South Main St. Providence, RI 02903
140 capacity, www.cablecarcinema.com
Map It:
See Schedule for this site

University of Rhode Island, Feinstein Providence Campus
80 Washington Street, Providence, RI 02903
289 capacity, www.uri.edu/prov
Map It:
See Schedule for this site

The Shorebreak
Narragansett Cinema
3 Beach St
Narragansett, RI 02882
75 seats, www.theshorebreak.com
Map It:
See Schedule for this site

The Brooklyn Coffee & Tea House
209 Douglas Avenue
Providence, RI 02908
40 seats, www.brooklyncoffeeteahouse.com
Map It:
See Schedule for this site

(Alpha Listing)
• See full schedule of film screenings; click here...
Am I Evil, Richard Terrasi, Director, 106 min. 2007 USA
Andrew Lakewood seems to be a normal average guy. He was raised by a loving family and has a close relationship with his older brother. His girlfriend adores him and his best friend could only think he knew everything about him. But deep inside of Andrew is a dark side, that has been masked over the years. Until one day, his thoughts and fantasies become real! Richard Terrasi is the Writer, Producer and Director of this pure horrific and disturbing film "Am I Evil". The film digs deep into the mind of a serial killer.
Anesthesia, Adam Kargman, Director, 6 min. USA
A woman's failed anesthetic during surgery leaves her fully conscious and able to feel all the pain-- but she is paralyzed and unable to tell her physicians.
Apartment 1303, Ataru Oikawa, Director, 94 min. 2007 JAPAN
Written by Kei Oishi, author of “The Grudge”
A modern ghost story which turns a love hate relationship between mother and daughter into a tale of horror.
• This film presentation is courtesy of Tartan Asian Extreme Video
Bacterium, Brett Piper, Director, 85 min. 2007 USA
Cast: Alison Whitney, Benjamin Kanes, Miya Sagara
When a handful of friends stumble upon the abandoned building, they come face to face with a biological weapons experiment gone catastrophically wrong. They also confront a maniacal scientist who predicts life on Earth will end in 48 hours if the accelerated bacterial mutation cannot be halted. As the virulent, flesh-hungry contagion spreads from person to person – rendering each host into a pile of infectious ooze – it begins to multiply and increase in size. A covert military force sent in to contain the spread and destroy the organism discovers the extent of the slithering mutation, but by then it's far too late for conventional tactics. Extreme measures are required…if anyone is left standing in one solid piece to do battle.
Bad Dreams, Fansu Njie, Director, 25 min. 2007 SWEDEN
Theo has had nightmares all his life. When a hospital tries out a new drug that's suppose to help people with nightmares he signs up not knowing that it will turn out to be a nightmare worse than his own. Constantly waking up but never awake, Theo finds it hard to differ the reality from his dreams.
Beanbag, Jim Mitchell, Director, 18 min. 2007 UNITED KINGDOM
Be careful where you sit...
Brain Dead, Kevin S. Tenney, Director, 92 min. 2007 USA
The story of six people caught in the unusual (except in horror films) predicament of being stranded in a deserted fishing lodge with a host of alien-infected, mutant amoeba-controlled zombies at their doorstep.
By Appointment Only, John Faust, Director, 20 min. 2006 U S A
In her search for a new life, Jane heads west in search of a new life and an old house to fix up. She becomes stranded in a small town when her car breaks down, and the tow truck company won't arrive for hours. Lillian, a friendly waitress in a diner where Jane has taken refuge, offers the help of a fellow diner patron, Lyle. The unfriendly but seemingly easily coerced Lyle drives Jane out to her appointment with a real estate agent while on the way he becomes friendlier and increasingly inquisitive as to Jane?s intentions for her move. Lyle warns Jane that this town is not where she wants to be, and if it is peace and quiet she is looking for, she should look somewhere else. Once at the house, Jane realizes the real estate agent has stood her up, but Lyle has disappeared inside the house. Jane searches the dark house and finds Lyle hiding in the darkness. Lyle has turned from a shy local into a killer, and ties Jane up. Lillian arrives later that night in an old limousine and in a different state of mind where she enters the house where Jane is now taped to a chair. Lillian reveals her role in the grand scheme of the town, and Lillian beckons a strange supernatural occurrence, where her true identity is revealed.
Chickenfut, Harrison Witt, Director, 12 min. 2007 USA
When an awkward German exchange student is possessed by the spirit of his prized chicken named Gisela, he is given the power to fight back, avenging both the murder of his hen and his cruel treatment at the hands of school bullies.
Chill, Serge Rodnunsky, Director, 85 min. 2006 USA
In this classic retro horror chiller, Sam (Thomas Calabro, "Melrose Place"), an aspiring writer, gets a job as a clerk in an inner city grocery mart owned by a mysterious Dr. Munoz (Shaun Kurtz), a former research scientist who claims to have a rare skin condition that forces him to live in sub-freezing temperatures. Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft's spine tingling short story of the macabre, "Cool Air".
Cthulhu, Daniel Gildark, Director, 85 min. 2007 USA
Cast: Jason Cottle, Cara Buono, Scott Green, Tori Spelling
Global warming is creating widespread economic and political chaos: Russell Marsh (Jason Cottle), a young, gay Seattle history professor is called on by his sister (Cara Buono) to execute their mother's estate. Reacquainted with his hometown, boyhood chum Mike (Scott Green) and with his father, (Dennis Kleinsmith) the charismatic leader of a New Age cult, Russ, exploring memories, wanders into a warehouse where hundreds of names are listed on the walls. Dreaming of a stone cudgel, he awakes to find it in his motel room: the town drunk warns it is an instrument of sacrifice, and a young liquor store clerk enlists him to help find her brother, who she believes has been taken by the cult. In an asylum, Russ' aunt says his mother left a message hidden in her house, sealed by fumigators until auction. Looking for answers in the warehouse, Russ is taken on an unbelievable journey through the small town's ancient, subterranean origins. Escaping he and Mike share a long-awaited tryst, after which they find the girl's brother murdered. Russ begins to believe preparations are underway for a mass sacrifice, and engages the attentions of sexy seductress Susan (Tori Spelling) in order to get information. After Susan rapes him and he is arrested for murder on the night of the May Festival, the stakes are raised - maybe higher than the world has ever known. Mixing horror, humor, human drama, and bitter political commentary, CTHULHU is a startling vision of the world to come.
Days of Darkness, Jake Kennedy, Director, 85 min. 2006 USA
As if ripped from the headlines, the world watches as a comet looms over the earth for days. The masses were told there is nothing to worry about. It was a lie! An eclectic group of survivors huddle together and battle for their only chance to survive against the uprising of the undead while trying to save the fate of mankind.
The Demonology Of Desire, Rodrigo Gudino, Director, 22 min. 2007, CANADA
Cast: Bianca Rusu , Tudor Plopeanu
The Demonology of Desire is a story involving a very unique girl with a very strange idea of what love is. Ramona runs away from home in pursuit of her heart's desire and finds it in Eric, a pre-teen who has no idea the dark, fantastical depths that first love can go to. Equal parts fatal fable, romantic thriller and hardcore spectacle, The Demonology of Desire is a grenade in the face of any love story you've seen before.
Die Flugbegleiterin (The Stewardess), Marcin Glowacki, Director, 11 min. 2007 GERMANY
Where desire ends and addiction begins. A film about the amount of food in a society which has lost its proportions, about the work of people, who don't know anymore, what their calling is.
The Door, Jeffrey Frame, Director, 26 min. 2007 USA
Easter Bunny Kill Kill, Trent Haaga, Director, 80 min. 2006 USA
A young boy's Pet Bunny Gets revenge on those who would harm him
Family Portrait, Anthony Colliano, Director, 23 min. 2007 USA
A Feast of Flesh, Mike Watt, Director, 85 min. 2007 USA
Cast: Amy Lynn Best, Zoë Hunter, Sofiya Smirnova
For generations an uneasy cease-fire has existed between the beautiful, blood-drinking prostitutes of Bathory House and a band of vampire-hunting mercenaries sworn to destroy them should any townspeople be killed or "turned." But now a young woman wanting a new life has given herself body, blood and soul to Bathory's Madame, and there will be hell to pay - and plenty of it. A failed rescue by the woman's boyfriend leaves several locals dead and their flesh devoured by the undead hookers. The slaughter sets in motion a horrifying chain of events that can have only one conclusion…all-out war between human monster and vampire beast.
Franklin, Michael Cimpher, Director, 3 min. 2007 USA
A man struggles to survive a hoard of zombies.
The Gateway Meat, Ron DeCaro, Director, 80 min. 2007 USA
A man struggles with evil in his own home and his daughter is forced to watch.
Gay Bed & Breakfast of Terror, Jaymes Thompson, Director, 110 min. 2007 USA
Cast: Allie Rivenbark, Denise Heller, Derek Long, Georgia Jean, Hilary Schwartz, James Tolins, Jim Polivka, Lisa Block-Wieser, Mari Marks, Michael Soldier, Robert Borzych, Shannon Lee, Vinny Markus.
There are unspeakable horrors to be found at the Sahara Salvation Bed & Breakfast, and not all of them involve the suspicious mincemeat muffins offered to guests when they check in! Totally tongue-in-cheek, this hysterically funny and sexy offering is a must for queer horror fans. On the eve of a monster circuit party, five wary couples arrive at this dusty and rundown bed & breakfast that has (hopefully) seen better days. Along with the muffins, our guests are greeted by the hostesses Helen and her peculiar daughter, Luella. Among the guests are a dragstress and his lover, "Mr. Leather" Dom, (who always travels with his wandering eyes); preppy couple Alex and Mike; and Rodney and his "trainer," Todd, with whom he hopes to spend a hot weekend largely in bed! Also in the guest register are a pair of power dykes who manufacture "adult goodies" and Brenda with her wholesome folk singing lover, Starr. These girls are ready for a weekend of wife-swapping, but our hostesses have other plans: Homo-hating Helen enjoys killing queers for sport! When her daughter's lesbian tendencies surface, the guests had better hide the cutlery. And if that wasn't enough, her son simply likes to eat people -- straight or gay! You may never stay in a gay B&B again....
Gay Zombie, Michael Simon, Director, 20 min. 2007 USA
Miles is a zombie dealing with multiple issues. His therapist points out that his obsession with Hugh Jackman is a surefire sign that he may be gay. Miles is taken aback by her observation, but eager to discover his true self. Miles goes to West Hollywood and bravely enters the TRUNKS bar. He meets a disillusioned guy named Todd. Despite some apparent decomposition, Todd is taken with Miles and introduces him to his sassy friend, Greg. The three of them strut through the bar, get a booth and start bonding. They are cut short by the bartender who points out 'the mob' who is ready to attack Miles. After a raucous car ride to Todd's house, they check out his impressive digs and get ready to jacuzzi. When Miles appears in a yellow speedo, the boys stare at him with jaws agape. Miles is embarrased by his skin and exposed ribcage only to realize they are staring at his abundant package, not his veiny appearance. They cover him up and wisk him upstairs for the quintissential zombie make over. Feeling confident with himself and connecting with Todd in a deep romantic way, the two guys go to yoga class only to confront Scorpio, a goth yoga thug, who insults Miles. Miles proclaims his new found sexuality which disgust Scorpio. In response, Miles eats Scorpio. Todd is appalled and runs from Miles who stops him and pleads for his forgiveness and love. This may be their final encounter. Trapped in the closet during his waking life, a zombie is given a second chance to 'come out'.
Gruesome, Greg Lamberson, Director, 9 min. 2007 USA
In a cemetery, a musician visits a gravestone. He plugs his guitar into the stone and sings the song of Johnny Gruesome... Johnny Gruesome is a wild heavy metal high school student.
A Homecoming, Kelly Farrel, Director, 7 min. USA
Human Resources, Jonathan Vantulleken, Director, 13 min. 206 USA
The head of human resources in a bid to win promotion decides that the only way to get the perfect employee is to make him from the best parts.
It's My Birthday, Shannon Lark, Director, 6 min. 2006 USA
A birthday party goes gore-ily wrong.
Keeper of the Myth, Kevin Callies, Director, 6 min. 2006 USA
Five kids camping in the Northern Rocky Mountains have an encounter with a mythological creature.
Kreating Karloff, Connor Timmis, Director, 60 min. 2007 USA
For the first time in 75 years, A young actor brings back to life two of Universal's iconic Karloff monsters,"The Mummy" and "Frankenstein" for an elaborate screen test and tribute to the legendary Boris Karloff.
Mr. Video, Alex Masterton, Director, 15 min. 2006, United Kingdom,
Frustrated with having to compete against DVD piracy, the owner of a small video store decides to fight back and save his ailing business.
Mr. Bubbs, Todd Thompson, Director, 7 min. 2007 USA
A stranger picks the wrong girl to kidnap one bright, sunny day in suburbia. This experimental short film stars Kendall Ganey (The Little Princess) and Alan Lilly (Bully, The Punisher) and was initially produced as a submission piece for Steven Spielberg’s On The Lot film contest airing on Fox, spring 2007.

Netherbeast Incorporated, Dean Ronalds , Director, 90 min. 2007 USA
Cast: Darrell Hammond, Judd Nelson, Steve Burns, Dave Foley, Robert Wagner, Amy Davidson, Jason Mewes.
A quirky twist on the vampire tale, set in modern day corporate America. Employees of Berm-Tech Industries, Inc. have kept the family secret for a long time. For years it has been business as usual, until the top vampire in charge contracts a dreaded disease and invites the first humans to work in the office in more than a century. Soon the new employees discover that some of their associates are not what they appear to be, especially the dead one in the cubicle with a wooden stake through his heart. Starring Darrell Hammond(SNL), Judd Nelson(Breakfast Club/Suddenly Susan), Dave Foley(Kids in the Hall/News Radio), Jason Mewes(Clerks 1&2/Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back), Steve Burns(Blue Clues),Amy Davidson(8 Simple Rules) and Robert Wagner(Austin Powers/Hart to Hart).
Night of the Hell Hamsters, Paul Campion, Director, 16 min. 2006 United Kingdom, New Zealand
It’s a dark stormy night…JULIE, a mischievous and sporty student, is babysitting the neighbors’ children when her boyfriend KARL pays her a surprise visit. At first disappointed that he failed to bring along the ouija board that she’s been wanting to play with for ages, Julie fashions one out of a child’s alphabet toy and a drop of Karl’s blood. Determined not to go the way of The Exorcist but hoping for a little fun, Julie and Karl make up a silly name and see if anyone or anything answers their call.And then lightning crashes just outside the door – sparks fly – and somehow the poor family hamsters are fried to a crisp. Then again, maybe not. When Karl takes one out of the cage to check on it, the hamster viciously attacks him. When the second one climbs up inside his trouser leg and starts having a go at his private parts, it’s the beginning of the end for Julie and Karl……and for the rest of the world!
(On le sait très bien depuis L’exorciste, jouer au Ouija peut avoir des répercussions pour le moins dangereuses. Julie et Karl le découvrent à leurs dépends alors qu’un esprit maléfique s’empare du hamster familial. S’ensuit un combat pour la survie de l’humanité, rien de moins !)
Penance, Fred Vogel, Director, 80 min. 207 USA
A reality-style tale of two serial killers who discover that no ones escapes karma.
Pretty Dead Things, Richard Griffin, Director, 80 min. 2007, USA
70's Porn Star Vampires return to modern times to raise hell and draw blood
Sinning Flesh, a Bedtime Story, Dave Borges, Director, 15 min. 2007 USA
Still Breathing, Yusaku Mizoguchi, Writer/Director/Producer, 20 min. 2007 USA
Michael works as a project manager for a large corporation. His wife Elena meets a mysterious guy through the internet . What follows is something beyond anyone's imagination.
The Terror Factor, Gary Medeiros, Director, 84 min. 2007 USA
Thirty years ago, Warren Wilcox brutally murdered his parents and now has just broken out of a mental hospital and is killing everyone in sight.
The Vial, Brad Rego, Director, 5 min. 2007 USA
A doctor conducts an interrogation to determine one thing: Where is the vial?
Vampira The Movie, Kevin Sean Michaels, Director, 70 min. 2007 USA
Vampira: The Movie is a new, independently produced documentary about legendary horror hostess Vampira. It features new, exclusive interviews with Maila "Vampira" Nurmi, Forrest J Ackerman, Sid Haig, Lloyd Kaufman, and many others from the world of horror.
Voodoo Bayou, Javier Gutierrez, Director, 12 min. 2007
In a about-to-be-stormy night, in a deep, dark corner of the Louisiana Bayou a frail and distracted “moskito” is struck by a fierce bolt of lightning, which has the effect of charging it with a weird electric static, wrecking havoc with its flight plan and sending it zipping directionless and out of control across the swamp. Dizzy and parched from its recently acquired static status, the “moskito” chances upon a dilapidated shack that appears deserted. There, it spots a rag doll stuck with pins that looks juicy enough to quench its thirst. The “moskito” bites the “Voodoo Doll” which, amazingly, comes to life... It suddenly dawns on the little doll that he is a prisoner, and that he is being used as an instrument of evil by a wicked “Witch Doctor.”
W.O.R.M., Anthony Sumner, Director, 28 min. 2006, USA
William Robert Moss is a small wheel in the big machine that is the N.I.M.R.O.D. Corporation. He lives and works relatively unnoticed, in near isolation. But everything is about to change. Everybody will finally want to see the good inside William… his coworkers, his online dates, everybody… now that he has stumbled upon a discarded Nano-Marketing application, he can engineer how people think. Unfortunately everything goes terribly wrong leading to horrifying results. A grisly and unflinching take on corporate isolation and technology, W.O.R.M. cleverly turns office archetypes on their head, revealing the true horrors of the common workplace. Featuring a startling appearance from genre favorite Alan Rowe Kelly (I’ll Bury You Tomorrow, The Blood Shed). Not recommended for children or the easily offended.
A Writer’s Moon, Alex Baptista, Director, 6 min. 2007 USA
A successful writer submits a strange manuscript on a full moon with horrific results.
ZombieWestern - It Came From The West, Tor Fruergaard, Director, 17 min. 2007, THE NETHERLANDS
Vigil lives alone with his bully father and a mute bartender and he is being mocked by the two tough cowboys Eddie and Hank. Because of the Dark Butcher who has been terrorizing the local indian tribe, the Indians see no other way than to call for help by performing their exceedingly old rituals, which brings the zombies to live. When the zombies suddenly attack the saloon, action begins and true characters are brought to daylight. The film is very inspired by Sergio Leone's classic westerns and there is several references to the genre to be found in the film. The style is a mixture of puppets and animation. Besides the funny characters, the splat and the action, it is the richness of highly prepared and suprising details that makes this film a unique experience full of dark humor.
• RIIFF Festival Six Pack
(a $60 value)
Good year-round at all RIIFF events except for special
openings. Six tickets for the price
of four. Can be used during the Main RIIFF in August;
the annual Rl lnternational Horror
Festival in October, plus any special year-round film
series we sponsor.
RIIFF Festival Six Packs
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2007 Rhode Island International
Film Festival®. All Rights Reserved.

The URI College of Arts &
Sciences, The Film Media Program, and the URI Feinstein
College of Continuing Education are proud sponsors of
the RI International Horror Film Festival.
• 2006
Program Guide