The staff and board of the Rhode Island International Film Festival are fully aware that times are tough and money is tight. Most of us are limited in how we spend our disposable income. The stock market has been a roller coaster, impacting our 401(k)s, investments and IRAs. Oil prices have also been tumultuous, affecting home heating oil prices and of course, gasoline. According to economists, the number of states in the US in recession keeps rising. Rhode Island has been in this group for quite some time and currently has one of the highest unemployment rate in the country.
We don't have a magic bullet to solve the problem, but we can make the Festival experience a bit less of a burden and provide an encouragement to those who may want to attend but have to watch their money.
As our way to encourage attendance and make it easier on audiences, RIIFF will continue issuing our "RI RECESSION BUSTER PACKAGE" which can be purchased online. When we first released this program for a limited run in the Summer of 2008, it was very popular and a hit.
The "RI RECESSION BUSTER PACKAGE" offers a Festival Six-Pack (that's 6 films for the price of 4; valued at $60 and retailing for $40) and an Opening Night Film Screening Ticket (valued at $20) to our Gala Opening at the Providence Performing Arts Center (PPAC) on Tuesday, August 4th, 2009. Our 2008 event featured actor, John Ratzenberger as MC for the evening.
The cost: $50.
That's an $80 value at almost 50% off; a $30 savings! And best of all, a Festival Six-Pack is good year round for all RIIFF events and we allow you to use it for multiple guests. What a wonderful holiday present and a gift that will keep on giving.
RIIFF's "Recession Buster" Ticket Package
Includes a Festival Six-pact that is good year round ($60 value) and a ticket to RIIFF's Gala Opening Night Screening ($20 value).
OPENING NIGHT SCREENING LOCATION FOR 2009: Providence Performing Arts Center, 220 Weybosset Street, PROVIDENCE
Order Today for only $50
2009 Rhode Island International Film Festival®.
All Rights Reserved.
For more informaton or to order by telephone, call our office at 401.861.4445.