A repules tortenete (The History of Aviation), Directed by Bálint Kenyeres
A4 to A3, Directed by Dean Codrington
Agnes Moorehead is God! Directed by Tanya Meronk
Ajumma! Are You Krazy??? Directed by Brent Anbe
Amateur, Directed by Daniel Trevino
All This Stuff, Directed by Mike Shea
Aphrodite's Farm,Directed by Adam Strange
Apulu, Directed by Mike Doxford
Arithmetic - Annie's Life in Numbers, Directed by Michal Lavi
Awktober, Directed by Jessica Donovan and Hillary Scofield
Banana Bread, Directed by Barton Landsman
Bastard, Directed by Kirsten Dunst
Bedfellows, Directed by Pierre Stefanos
Blues, Directed by Dena Greenbaum
Brave Donkey, Directed by Gaysorn Thavat
Capitan, Directed by Diego Diaz
Catching On: The Day The World Turned Gay, Directed by Nick Pistorino
Day Before Yesterday, Directed by Patricia Chica
Delmer Builds A Machine, Directed by Landon Zakheim
Dental Breakdown, Directed by Ian Power
Disarm, Directed by Nathan Keene
Door Prize, Directed by Zsa Zsa Gershick
Een Kleine Duw (A Gentle Push), Directed by Philippe Verkinderen
El encargado (The one in charge), Directed by Sergio Barrejón
Ellen, Directed by: Kyle Hausmann-Stokes
Empire Corner, Directed by J.P. Chan
En Tus Manos (In Your Hands), Directed by Ron Jacobs
Fancy, Directed by Chris Olsen
F-Art, Directed by Nicole Sudhaus
F—K, Directed by Rick Rodgers
Flat Love, Directed by Andres Sanz
Franswa Sharl, Directed by Hannah Hilliard
Gayby, Directed by Jonathan Lisecki
GirlLikeMe, Directed by: Rowland Jobson
HEAL, Directed by Mian Adnan Ahmad
Heart of the Matter, Directed by Tom Lenk & Patty Wortham
HER BOR JENSEN (Jensen Lives Here), Directed by Martin Strange-Hansen
Hide and Seek (GLBT), Directed by Justine Jungels Bevilacqua
Hide and Seek, Directed by Asako Ushio
I Suck, Directed by Jason Bowers
I'm Afraid I Am Hitler, Directed by Ruchika Lalwani
IL GIOCO (The Game), Directed by Adriano Giannini
In A Time Without Love, Directed by Mark Strydom
Indelible, Directed by Brian Lynch
Indigo, Directed by Jack Price
Jonah and the Vicarious Nature of Homesickness, Directed by Bryn Chainey
La Viuda (The Widow), Directed by David Martin-Porras
Lazarus Taxon, Directed by Denis Rovira
Le Grand Sault (The Grand Falls), Directed by Hervé Demers
Lights, Directed by Giulio Ricciarelli
Loop Planes, Directed by Robin Wilby
Mama always told him, Directed by Annabel Osborne
Micky Bader (Bathing Micky), Directed by Frida Kempff
Momentum, Directed by Sheona McDonald
Morning Star, Directed by Jessica Lawton
MWM, Directed by Greg Luna
Natural Selection, Directed by Brett Foraker
Never Too Late, Directed by Wendy Weinberg
Ninety-one, Directed by Jill Carter
Off Season, Directed by Jonathan Van Tulleken
One Shoe Blues, Directed by Sandra Boynton
One Stop, Directed by Trevor Holden
Paperboy,Directed by Mark LaFleur
Passing, Directed by David Freyne
Pedaço de Papel (Piece of Paper), Directed by Cesar Raphael
Piano Fingers, Directed by Nicholas Carmen
Queen, Directed by Eduardo A. Garcia
Remission, Directed by Greg Ivan Smith
Reunited, Directed by Richard Peters
Sidewalk Symphony, Directed by Jonathan Salemi
Signal, Directed by Chris Farrington
Shop Secret, Directed by Danny Prussman
Sofia, Directed by Shervin Kermani
some boys don't leave, Directed by Maggie Kiley
Sometimes The Moon Is Velvet, Directed by Tom Phillips
Sudden Death! Directed by Adam Hall
Take It Easy, But Take It, Directed by Milla Bell-Hart
Tea & Sympathy, Directed by Patrick McMahon
The Action Hero's Guide To Saving Lives, Directed by Justin Lutsky
The Audit (Line Item: Foster Child), Directed by Karen Hines
The Bag, Directed by Ray Nomoto Robison
The Caretaker 3D, Directed by Sean Isroelit
The Chronoscope, Directed by Andrew Legge
The Distance Between, Directed by Michael Fahd
The Foal, Directed by Josh Tanner
The Handover, Directed by David Stubbs
The Happiness Salesman, Directed by Krishnendu Majumdar
The Man Who Married Himself, Directed by Garrick Hamm
The MisInventions of Milo Weatherby, Directed by William Whirity
The Pond, Directed by Dan Hannon
The Road Home, Directed by Rahul Gandotra
The Terms, Directed by jason LaMotte
To Comfort You, Directed by Marc Saltarelli
Toute Ma Vie (The Story Of My Life), Directed by Pierre Ferriere
TUB, Directed by: Bobby Miller
Two, Directed by Ryan Gielen
Two Hours in the Dark, Directed by Chip Hackler
Vicky and Sam, Directed by Nuno Rocha
Vivre, jusqu'au bout ... (Live, 'til the end), Directed by Vincent Plaidy
Wenn Bäume
We, Directed by Carl Rashad Jaeger
Wenn Puppen tragen (If trees carry dolls), Directed by Ismail Sahin
White Buffalo, Directed by Gabriel Pac
Will, Directed by Leonardo Guerra Seragnoli
You Can’t Curry Love, Directed by Reid Waterer
3 Backyards, Directed by Eric Mendelsohn
A MARINE STORY, Directed by Ned Farr
Arcadia Lost, Directed by Phedon Papamichael
Black, White and Blues, Directed by Mario Van Peebles
Boy Wonder, Directed by Michael Morrissey
Cup Cake, Directed by Colin McIvor
DraBen am See (Losing Balance), Directed by Felix Fuchssteiner.
Fighting Fish, Directed by Annette Apitz
Forget Me Not, Directed by Alexander Holt
Hotel Chelsea, Directed by Jorge Valdes-Iga
Le bonheur de Pierre (A Happy Man), Directed by Menard Robert
Listen To Your Heart, Directed by Matt Thompson
Little Rock, Directed by Mike Ott
Norman, Directed by Jonathan Segal
ONE HUNDRED MORNINGS, Directed by Conor Horgan
Role/Play, Directed by Rob Williams
Sleather, Directed by Anthony Ambrosino
Ten Stories Tall, Directed by David Garrett
The Presence, Directed by Tom Provost
The River Why, Directed by Matthew Leutwyler
The Seminarian, Directed by Joshua Lim
VALENTINA'S MOTHER, Directed by Matti Harari & Arik Lubetzky
A Lost and Found Box of Human Sensation, Directed by Stefan Leuchtenberg & Martin Wallner Barko, Directed by Allison Craig
Death Row Diet, Directed by Mike Salva & Tom Snyder
Eclipse, Directed by Liat Koren
Fishing With Sam, Directed by Atle Blakseth
Flocons et carottes (Snowflakes And Carrots),Directed by Samantha Leriche-Gionet
Hazed, Directed by Jacquie Rushlow
Ormie, Directed by Rob Silvestri
Poppy, Directed by James Cunningham
Skylight, Directed by David Baas
The Gruffalo, Directed by Max Lang & Jakob Schuh
The Mouse That Soared, Directed by Kyle Bell
The Visitor, Directed by: David Azer
Toothnapped, Directed by George Dondero
Vaseline & Pepper, Directed by Fraser Munden
Win Big, Directed by Martha Grant
Yellow Cake, Directed by Nick Cross
Zero, Directed by Christopher Kezelos
A Lifelong Love, Directed by Shawn Harmon
A Moth In Spring, Directed by Yu Gu
Afghanistan: Defying Silence, Directed by Stacia Teele & Ed Robbins
Aotearoa: Land of the Long White Cloud, Directed by Thomas Ryan Cumming
Beauty of the Fight, Directed by John Urbano
BEHIND THE HEDGEROW, Directed by David Bettencourt & G. Wayne Miller
Berliner, Directed by Kim Nelson
Bhutto, Directed by Duane Baughman
Blau Jeans, Directed by Meaghan Kimball
Brownstones to Red Dirt, Directed by Dave LaMattina & Chad Walker
Budrus, Directed by Julia Bacha
Burned: Life In and Out of Texas Youth Prisons, Directed by Emily Pyle
Das Beethoven-Projekt - Eine Musikdokumentation mit Paavo Järvi und der Deutschen Kammerphilharmonie Bremen (The Beethoven Project - A Music Documentary with Paavo Jaervi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen), Directed by Christian Berger
De L’eau Glacée Dans Les Veines (Ice Water in the Veins), Directed by Cimon Charest
Do It Again, Directed by Robert Patton-Spruill
Do No Harm, Directed by Rebecca Schanberg
Esther & Me, Directed by Lisa Geduldig
Gen Silent, Directed by Stu Maddox
Gerrymandering, Directed by Jeff Reichert
Heartland Transport, Directed by Cody Stokes
Hidden Battles, Directed by Victoria Mills
HolyWars, Directed by Stephen Marshall
Hugh Hefner: Playboy, Activist and Rebel, Directed by Brigitte Berman
I Know a Woman Like that, Directed by Elaine Madsen
I Remember Better When I Paint, Directed by Eric Ellena & Berna Huebner
In the Matter of Cha Jung Hee, Directed by Deann Borshay Liem
Jews And Baseball: An American Love Story, Directed by Peter Miller
Just Like Us, Directed by Ahmed Ahmed
KEEP DANCING, Directed by Greg Vander Veer
Keeping the Kibbutz, Directed by Tessa Moran & Ben Crosbie
Killing in the Name, Directed by Jed Rothstein
Kinshasa Symphony, Directed by: Claus Wischmann & Martin Baer
L'Artigiano Glaciale (The Ice Sculptor), Directed by Alberto Meroni
La Première, Directed by Nick and Michael Regalbuto
Mi vida con Carlos (My Life with Carlos), Directed by German Berger-Hertz
MIg og Jøderiet (Me and the Jewish Thing), Directed by Ulrik Gutkin
Music of the Brain, Directed by Fiona Cochrane
My Kidnapper, Directed by Mark Henderson
No Tomorrow, Directed by Roger Weisberg & Vanessa Roth
NY Export: Opus Jazz, Directed by Jody Lee Lipes & Henry Joost (Narrative), Anna Farrell & Matt Wolf (Documentary)
Old House Soul, Directed by Don Manley & Michel Schtakleff
One Night In Turin, Directed by James Erskine
One Thousand Pictures RFK's Last Journey, Directed by Jennifer Stoddart
OS MAGNIFICOS (The Magnificent), Directed by Bernard Attal
PianoMania, Directed by Lilian Franck & Robert Cibis
PLAY AGAIN, Directed by Tonje Schei
Play in the Gray, Directed by Kaitlin Meelia
Queen of the Sun, Directed by Taggart Siegel
Rose Murray: Portrait of a Photographer, Directed by Aart Kramer
Seniors Rocking, Directed by Ruedi Gerber
Shape of the Shapeless, Directed by Jayan Cherian
Taiwan Story (The Story of Taiwan’s Industry Clusters)
Texting While Walking, Directed by Christine Buck & Rebekan Lindquist
The Calling, Directed by David Ranghelli
The Heron and the Geisha: A Life in Dance, Directed by Noriko Sakamoto
The Last Survivor, Directed by Michael Pertnoy & Michael Kleiman
THE PROMISE OF TOMORROW 1940-1960, Directed by Anna Giannotis
TRUTH, Directed by Dana Neugent
Wagner & Me, Directed by Patrick McGrady
Waking Sleeping Beauty,Directed by Don Hahn
White Lines and The Fever: The Death of DJ Junebug, Directed by Travis Senger